Natural Disaster Relief

we raise funds to meet the immediate natural disaster-caused

Following a natural disaster such as a flood or earthquake, people may be facing damages to their home or business. In the Natural Disaster Relief project, we raise funds to meet the immediate natural disaster-caused needs of individuals, families, and vulnerable communities, such as water tankers, safe shelter and hot meals, electric motors, generators, and other equipment necessary to revive life.


Afghanistan earthquake |  July 2022

An earthquake with 6.2 Mw struck southeastern Afghanistan on 22 June 2022. The amount of $200.14 was provided with the help of benefactors and sent through the exchange to the Imam Ali Popular Student Relief Society (IAPSRS)’s partners in Kabul. After a needs assessment, the money was used to purchase six bags of flour of 50 kilos. The flour bags were delivered to the families who were recently displaced from their places of residence in the earthquake-affected areas and were not able to provide their daily needs. For more information, you can check out the project report.